Monday, February 12, 2007


So bear with me on this.... I'm taking my information from the local daily rag.... But, am I understanding events correctly; that the FAA says it will withhold any further funding if the OC airport doesn't expand?.... and that would mean what, exactly? That the airport wouldn't get any bigger? Okay. Sounds good to me.


RAT said...

Yes.... no wiseassery first thing in the morning.... Well, I care because Ocean City and ol' Andy What's-his-name have been trying to sneak in a back door expansion for many years (I'll leave it to you to describe the unspoken sexual imagery in what they're trying to do to the taxpayers and residents near the airport)
Again, we've not seen a need to "enhance" the airport with longer runways, and presumably an expanded runway safety zone outside the perimeter. I smell a taking here - a back-door annexation. Personally, I don't see the need for the airport at all, especially in light of the county's master plan, which shows that area of the county slated for the most significant growth and development.

RAT said...

Didn't they already forcibly remove and entire mobile home development on the west side of 611 for a runway safety zone? And I'm sure they promised then, that there would be no need to further expansion and clearance.

RAT said...

whatever do you mean, sir?

RAT said...

hey, I don't know... You know me. I'm really a peaceful, non-confrontational sort of person.