Saturday, October 28, 2006


Across the river, ol' Joe posited a question that I have often pondered, myself. Specifically, is it not time we send the state boys on their way and created a county-wide police force..... and already, I hear some sabres clearing their scabbards. But before y'all commence to wailing on your old buddy, Rat, with high-end steel, tell me why it's wrong. I asked Joel Todd one time and he rejected the idea but gave no reason.
I mean, sure I can understand that such a move would have several police chiefs looking for jobs, and Chuck Martin's rolle in county law enforcement would be reduced, but the fact is that the area is growing in population and will continue to grow. So why not have the various jurisdictions pool their resources and get a better product in the bargain.... I think it's an economy of scale..... The larger the police force, the more able it is to take advantage of state and federal assistance grants.... The larger the force, the better pool of applicants it can draw from. Pay and benefits would be the same across the county, so there would be no competition between various jurisdictions for candidates... This seems like a good idea to me... after we discuss that, maybe we can talk about a professional fire department..... yeah, that way we can piss off everyone at the same time.
And I admit that may be more problematic, seeing as the volunteers already own the equipment and it might entail a considerable outlay of money for the county. But maybe we could move to a 50/50 department-- half volunteers, half professionals-- so the stations are always manned.

1 comment:

RAT said...

So no one is opposed to a county police force? ... well, hell, let's do it then. .... Have your people call my people.... they'll do lunch.