Monday, September 25, 2006


We only ask this question because parts of a classified government report were leaked this week indicating that the war in Iraq has actually increased the risk of terrorism in the USA. Yup. The administration's plan to prevent terrorism is having the opposite effect.
Now, God knows how much this secret report cost to produce, but we have to ask if these results couldn't have been foreseen four years ago.
I mean, how many highly-educated Whitehouse advisors does it take to posit the question of how the Arab world might react if one of their countries is invaded and occupied by a traditionally Christian nation who deposes its leader, dissolves it government, destabilized the entire region and rains death on anyone who opposes it's presence ? Well, one actually. But it takes an experienced and intelligent leader to listen to that question and be able to answer it fully before running off to play John Wayne.


RAT said...


RAT said...

Okay Dick, I see your point. But if I compare him to Kerry, he would still come out a loser because Kerry is a war hero, and Bush is.... well, you know.

swampcritter2 said...

John Kerry's war hero status has just enough holes in it that it probably cost him the election, thank God. While he doesn't admit embellishing the story of his three purple hearts, he does admit privately the "swift boat" vets sunk him.

RAT said...

Yeah, but so what? The so-called swift boat veterans were a political action group specifically formed by Repiglicans to to get the stupidest man of the face of the earth elected to the highest office on earth.... so how smart does that make them?

RAT said...

That was pretty good, Dick. But you know what impressed me most? Your use of the word "foundering."
Damn, that was good.... most people get it wrong and say "floundering."
As to your observation, I agree. But what's past is past and cannot be changed..... the question now before us is how to lead the repigs to the slaughter house on election day. Mmmmmm. I love bacon.

Anonymous said...

symmy5 said "Has Islamic terrorism increased in countries which have not partaken in the "conflict" with Iraq? Is this the fault of the US?"

In a word, yes. Take Pakistan for instance. We have given them funding and they have given Bin Laden haven. Terrorism has like 400% since the war in Iraq began. Feel safer yet?

RAT said...

I think I'm going to start censoring this blog. We need to get rid of a couple butt-buddies.