Thursday, July 26, 2007


You recall that thing in the news earlier this week about terrorist (gasp!) making "dry runs" at US airports to test security? Yeah. Thing is, it was probably a lie. That's what the San Diego Union-Trubune said Wednesday when it reported the San Diego director of the Transportation Security Administration said an incident at Lindburgh field, that was featured prominantly in the report, was a false alarm.
And not only was it a false alarm, many of the lurid and scary details quoted in the leaked report never happened... did screeners find two " suspicious" packs resembling chemical icepacks? Yup. Did they contain a clay-like substance and were they taped together like blocks of C-4? Nope. It was not even remotely true, local TSA Security Director Michael J. Aguilar said.
But, in DC, TSA spokesman Christopher White refused to reconcile the descrepancy between the DC report and what could be expected to be credible eyewitness accounts.
"The information that we have in the report is for official use only and I am not going to discuss our sources," White reportedly told reporters.


TomCat said...

Scary thought that we are being "terrorized" with propaganda from our own government.

RAT said...

Yeah... that would be unthinkable.... about as unthinkable as a shit-for-brains alcoholic president claiming there were WMD in Iraq and that Saddam was in cahoots with al Quedaas justification for invading that nation.