Tuesday, February 27, 2007


If you think the certain sects of the Christian faith are a bit too fascistic when it comes to same-sex marriage or abortion issues, how do you think they're going to react to a documentary set to air on the Discovery Channel this weekend? According to advance reports, the documentary poses the possibility that archeologists may have found the tomb of Jesus Christ and his family - to include a wife and son.
Oh, oh.
While Christian and church groups are already doing their best to get in front of the publicity wave and dismiss the documentary, there is the possibility they could get steamrolled by a story that, if true, could shake western civilization to its very foundation.
Think about it for a moment: What would it mean if all those who were murdered in the name of Christ died on the altar of fantasy and myth? What it would mean is that a lot more would sacafied on that altar because Christians have shown themselves to be able to work themselves into a midieval wrath equal to anything the Muslims can crank up. And you can bet that if Jesus is going down, it won't be without a fight.... I have to hide now, the chorus is tuning up...

"Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His banners go!"


RAT said...

Well, I've not decided if I believe it or not... nevertheless, I would expect anyone who attempts to dispel the myth of Jesus, or any diety for that matter, to be ridiculed, labeled a heretic and ignored by society. ... And I would expect that the more compelling the evidence, the more violently the true believers would react.
Now this may turn out to be bad science and great PR, but I can't tell yet. .... All I'm saying is that anyone who attempts or pretends to dispel the myths of dieties takes their lives in their hands.

RAT said...

"His message was straightforward and grounded in reality. Jesus' message was basically love thy neighbor..." true enough but others, Bhudda, Mohammad, and every other diety that I can think of, had the same message.
Nevertheless, doesn't the possibility that Jesus was nothing more than a man give you pause to consider what effect such a realization would have on western civilization... to suddenly understand that The One Truth He preached was the same Truth as others preached... that being to love one another and take care of one another. And that churches and religions are a man-made construct whose purpose is and always has been about accruing power and not spreading the Word.... it would set off a global jihad that would make the Second World War seem like a picnic.
What I'm suggesting is that even in the unlikely possibility that these bones are those of Jesus, the world cannot be trusted with that information.... In effect, this is one of those instances where the facts cannot be known as the truth.

RAT said...

as a matter of fact, I don't have a CR on my keyboard.... could be because I'm working on a computer.
Mevertheless, your point is taken and I'll see what I can do to have one installed.