Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Despite its continuuing refusal to justify letting an elected official take a walk away from a DUI charge, a visit to the Ocean City Police website brings visitors to the top headline, which reads (in red letters)"Report Drunk Drivers...Dial 911."
Now, why in the name of GAWD would anyone even bother to do that, especially since Chief DiPino says it's really up to the responding officer to decide if he wants to do anything about it, and she doesn't second-guess them.


RAT said...

yeah... that's what the cops are hoping, that it will just all blow over and they'll never have to admit to a mistake, or corruption, or whatever you want to call it.

swampcritter2 said...

RT baby, Unlax dude. Chill out. Motor on over to the boonies, and we'll hoist a couple of dozen Manhattans, I'll call Jay Hancock to give you a ride home.

RAT said...

appreciate the offer, Swampy, but I don't like being drunk, or even being around drunks.... I ever need to get buzzed, I'll dig out my trusty chillim and find some afghani finger hash.... And I wouldn't be caught dead at a dogfight Jay... I'm worried someone would think we are friends.

truthiness said...

I think RT is onto something. They present a false image of being clean cops, but I think there is a lot of corruption in the OCPD. The question is will RT do more than talk about it? Maybe some investigation is in order.

Anonymous said...

Two peas in a pod.

Shakespeare had it right.
Much Ado About Nothing

RAT said...

Well, it would be a mistake to think that all cops, or even most cops in any particular agency are corrupt. That said, it would also be a mistake of equal measure to think that no cops are corrupt. In this case, I don't even think Smith is personally corrupt. ... I think he was probably following policy. If so, it would mean the command structure is corrupt. But then, we've seen this sort of corruption before with the OCPD.... Y'all remember the shit storm that rained down when some NAR wrote stories about how cops in the downtown station affixed little gold stars on the backs of their rearview mirrors, of their personal cars, so the parking enforcement people would ticket them when they didn't pay the parking meters.... and how that secret policy had been in place for at least ten years?.... That was one of those scenes where Jay Hancock lied though his teeth and denied it was happening. But when confronted with the words of other officers who said it was, he changed is story to say that maybe it ws, but "it wasn't a policy." Then when more line officers contradicted him, and Chief Massey issued a memo saying it was no longer in effect, Hancock agreed it was a policy, but wasn't an "official policy," whatever that means.

RAT said...

too late Dick... that train already left the station