Saturday, December 30, 2006


I need a land-shark, a barracuda with a ravenous appetite and a dark suit. I need a lawyer to sue the fuck out of the Snow Hill McDonalds. They served be a poisoned cheeseburger last week that sent me to the hospital and had me in bed or on the toilet for the past three days.... as a side note: When I got sick, I called the county health department, who jerked me around before finally sending me to the right people. I made a report, and was told the inspector would call me back for more information..... That was Thursday.....haven't heard from the woman yet. Makes me wonder whose interests they're protecting-- the public's, or the restaurant's.


Anonymous said...
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RAT said...

Geez, Caughtit, I hope you weren't calling me a dumbass. .... DIck. Mrs. RT didn't get it because she didn't eat there..... I had no vomiting, but kind of wish I did.... had among the worst headaches I've ever had in my life, bad stomachache, some diarrhea, dizziness... onset within an hour after eating.

Anonymous said...
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joe albero said...

ratturdinthecake said...
Geez, Caughtit, I hope you weren't calling me a dumbass. .... DIck. Mrs. RT didn't get it because she didn't eat there..... I had no vomiting, but kind of wish I did.... had among the worst headaches I've ever had in my life, bad stomachache, some diarrhea, dizziness... onset within an hour after eating.

It's good to know you met my ex wife and had one of her meals. I had those same symptoms for 9 lousy years!


They should have done to you what they just did to Saddam. In case you don't know who that piece of shit it, it's Chris Linus. The lawyer who was selling drugs to children and is now under house arrest.

joe albero said...
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sparkly1 said...

Joe, Still calling names and insulting people. Does being under house arrest mean that the man can't make a comment on a blog? I agree he got off way too easy, but why do you feel the need to attack someone just because they posted a comment. This isn't even your're blog. My bad on Anthenelli, he's a criminal attorney. I don't deserve to be called an idiot because I don't know everyone's secret names like you seem to do. It seems that every time I post anything there you are calling me names. Now let me cut and paste your latest insult to my file.

RAT said...

Joe: GOddammit stop calling people names

yowzahead said...

RT, you didn't hear back from the county health department probably because it was a holiday week and there weren't many people working.
I doubt you probably have a legal case because you can't prove where you picked up the bacteria, or what kind of bacteria you may have had.
Sorry you got sick, but I'm afraid you're shit out of luck (pun intended.)

RAT said...

Welcome to the blog Oceanshaman

sparkly1 said...

It's good to hear your side of the story, as the Daily Slime made it sound much worse. I'm glad you are doing well rebuilding your life. Good Luck and Happy New Year!

joe albero said...

Well at least you didn't come on here praising the Lord and you found God and that's why you're ok now. I respect that.

I wish you luck Llinus but guess what, you've got a LONG way to go before you prove you're not a criminal any more, possibly the rest of your life.

sparkly1 said...
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sparkly1 said...
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