Monday, November 20, 2006


So Charlie Rangel said this weekend he supports a return to a military draft. ... He says if there was a draft and elected officials' son and daughters were equally eligible to be flung into harm's way, then elected officials might be more circumspect in committing troops to war. ... With a logic like that, I can't tell if Charlie has been taking too many drugs, or not enough. .... Charlie: let's talk for a moment, okay. Even if congress did re-enact an draft, what makes you think the children and grand children of rich and powerful people would be called up? And even if they were, what makes you think they would be sent to forward areas?.... And what, in the name of God, makes you think that a larger military force and pool of prospective inductees would make leaders less likely to toss them into a war zone.
Also, I con't help noticing that you say you want to pull troops out of Iraq..... If that's true, then why do we need more troops.... unless, you guys have other, bigger plans in another theater of operations.. ... I just don't know, Chuck.... I think you're lying to us about something......either that, or you're suffering from some type of terminal stupidity, like Ronnie Rayguns.


RAT said...

I've seen no evidence that this is a racial issue.

RAT said...

yup.... I was an active opponant of the war. The 1968 Democratic Convention opened my eyes, the murders at Kent and Jackson state universities took me to the streets, and the way I was treated by police -just because of how I dressed and the political opinions I expressed- solidified my belief that unless you have money and power in this nation, you're a nigger as far as the state is concerned.