Sunday, September 17, 2006


If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. George Orwell

So five years into the global war, and it it slowly dawns on the current administration that it's not coming off like the savior of freedom and liberty it pretends to be. Maybe, our fearless leader ponders, part of the reason for the bad PR is because of the brouhaha over secret prisons, forced renditions to nations that employ torture and that unfortunate thing with the pictures at Abu Ghraib prison.
Yes.... that must be it. America can't claim the moral high ground if it is violating international treaties, not to mention its own UCMJ. But what to do......So in recent days the administration has pulled together it's policy wonks and spin doctors to come up with a plan to capture the hearts and minds of not the combatants, but the rest of the world. I mean, let's face it, our enemies will say anything to turn the tide of public opinion against the forces of Goodness and Justice, so they can' t be believed. But it's a different matter when the Forces of Goodness and Justice provide the evidence against themselves. Indeed, what to do..... Ooooo. But what if we change the meaning of the words? Yeah... What if insurgents weren't really soldiers or combatants? What if they were terrorists, instead? What if AlQueda wasn't a militaristic organization, but was really just a huge criminal enterprise comprised of unaffiliated criminal gangs worldwide? Well, that would mean they were not entitles to the protection of the UCMJ or the Geneva Conventions. And even if they were, we'll just pass a law redefining the meaning of torture. That way we could still use the interrogation tactics we've been using, but it wouldn't be torture anymore. ..... Hmmmm. We could call it putting stress on suspects. Yeah, the spin doctors could sell that to the Public. After all, no Real American wants to believe they are supporting a program of unlawful detentions, secret prisons and torture. So, the administration can get back on the straight and narrow by relieving us of that burden. Yes, yes, of course we're still employing the same interrogation tactics, but look at the law. It defines torture like this, and we're not doing that. We're not torturing enemy combatants. We're engaging in stressful interrogations of criminals. You don't want to be soft on crime, do you. No, of course not.
Hey, just wait until next week when we redefine "war." We're still working out the logical and moralistic kinks, but basically it goes like this: We're only at war to maintain the peace. And since this nation has not been attacked since we went to war five years ago, we are really at peace. So even though we are at war, we're really at peace.... Cool, huh?


RAT said...

I'm not clear where you get your information, Dick.... Where did you read or hear that "The Left wants to call the 911 terrorist hijackers "Islamic Freedom Fighters?"'
Was that something from the Rush and Annie Show?

RAT said...

..... or something to that effect

RAT said...

well, uh.... thanks, I guess.... but to what are you referring?

RAT said...

um, okay. As it happens, I am a writer, and I'm convinced that writers, like clergy, teachers, and artists are born, not made. That said, I do happen to have a little education, but I'm not sure it has impacted my writing for the better. Formal education, I think, can help one to be a better writer, but cannot manufacture one out of whole cloth. Instead, education should teach one how to think, ask questions and find correct answers.
As for my "trashy mouth," the words I use are carefully chosen for their meaning and impact. I know I offend some people, but I've never been a fan of political correctness. I't just another form of censorship, employed to avoid offending anyone. But in the expression of ideas there will always be some who are offended, not by the words but by ideas that make them uncomfortable for reasons the cannot fully understand. And when people stop trying to learn and understand they cease to grow into their potential and become useless to themselves and the advancement of society.
So when some people say they are leaving this blog because I call them names, I say "okay." In fact, I don't call them names. I simply sling back the barbs tossed at me.
If you recall my opening post on this blog, you'll remember I asked everyone to refrain from personal attacks and instead concentrate on the issues at hand. ... I also promised I would not censor anyone. But I never said, or even implied that personal attacks would not be met with return fire.
Ultimately, I still welcome all those wishing to engage in the exchange of ideas and the discussion of social and political ideologies.
As for you, Dick; I like you but I sure wish you would flesh out your ideas more fully instead of relying on half-baked policy statements from a half-baked administration. ... I can't really tell if we are polar opposites in this arena, or whether you are just engaging in some chain-yanking for your own amusement.

RAT said...

I understood the first post

RAT said...

welcome back HW... listen guys; I had a significant family emergency this week, but I think things are starting to get back on track. I'll start posting more regularly tomorrow.... Thanks for your patience.

RAT said...

no, no..... I have it all resolved with Che and the boys... thanks for asking.

RAT said...

yes, as you know, Che has been dead for some years. But he recently got a new agent and ad-campaign, and he has another farewell tour planned for the spring... ya just can't keep a good revolutionary down.

swampcritter2 said...

Ironically (or maybe fittingly) poor Che' was done in by an NCO with an M1 carbine. This was Che's weapon of choice after the revolution for dispatching traitors, capitalists, and spies. After Che' was snuffed, his hands were "removed" presumably for identification purposes. They've never been found, and the world is a slightly better place.