Friday, December 22, 2006


That muffled explosion you heard today came from the Worcester County School Board. Seems some administrators were a trifle irritated after the county teachers association published the results of a recent in-house poll dealing with job satisfaction. After it was done and the numbers were crunched, the results were.... well, someone with a more polite and politically astute vocabulary wight say "the outcome was interesting, maybe even bears closer examination." But, as my lovely wife knows, I'm not that polite and I don't give a rat's ass for political correctness. So, I'll say YIKES.
On the good side, teachers at Snow Hill High School reported the highest level of satisfaction. Seventy-five percent of those responding to the poll reported they have a high level of job satisfaction. But lest anyone think that the remaining 25 percent are just malcontentts, rabble-rousers and square pegs, an elementary school in the north end of the county came in at the bottom of the list with just 42 percent of teachers there reporting satisfaction. Even worse, there were more schools tied for the bottom three rankiings than there were at the top five.
That means that the problems teaches are having finding job satisfaction do not related to individual schools and administrators but are instead, systemic in nature. In effect, the problem is not individuals, but with policies.
Reportedly, school Superintendant Jon Andes got a heads-up, some time ago, that this report was coming out and, being the smart man that he is, sought to counter that implication with his own mandatory poll. Those results have not yet been published.
Look for a spirited discussions process as teachers and adminstrators negotiate next year's contract in the coming months.

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