Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State, which stands for the conscience and the universal, will of man as a historic entity (11). It is opposed to classical liberalism which arose as a reaction to absolutism and exhausted its historical function when the State became the expression of the conscience and will of the people. Liberalism denied the State in the name of the individual; Fascism reasserts the rights of the State as expressing the real essence of the individual (12). And if liberty is to he the attribute of living men and not of abstract dummies invented by individualistic liberalism, then Fascism stands for liberty, and for the only liberty worth having, the liberty of the State and of the individual within the State (13). The Fascist conception of the State is all embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism, is totalitarian, and the Fascist State - a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values - interprets, develops, and potentates the whole life of a people (14).


RAT said...

If your interests are nothing but invectives and personal attacks, there must be other venues that more suit your needs. ... I don't want you to agree with me. I'm providing a forum to persuade me that I'm wrong in my assessmants. That fact that someone may be unable to do so and resorts to that kind of behavior means to me that they cannot present a logical argument.
A couple more things: First, I did not humiliate them, they humiliated themselves. Second, I issued no threats, veiled or otherwise.
Third, yes I posted this comment to demonstrate the similarities between the Bush administration and fascist doctrine. And finally, your name is spelled incorrectly.

RAT said...

so, let me see if I understand you correctly.
You're casting a proxy vote for someone who does not exist, someone who has never existed, and you're imagining how they would vote if they existed and were old enough to vote?
Is that right?

RAT said...

Ah, I see.
well, as a matter of fact, I am not pro-abortion but I am pro-choice -- in everything. I am pro-choice because the issue is not just about women's rights. The issue is about human rights and the question of who has control over my body; me or the state. To me, the answer is a no-brainer. I own my body.
If you oppose abortions then I suggest you never undergo the procedure. But don't presume that the beliefs you profess, which may be based upon a faith in a god, are the one and only truth, and that you need to legislate the infliction of your beliefs on everyone else.
I won't speak for others, but I've had way too much of that crap already. .... I look at the war against Islamic fundamentalists who visit terror throughout the world, and I look at bonehead Christian fundamentalists like Jerry Falwell and Pat "The Hit Man" Robertson, and I there was only one prayer I could offer up to God it would be that He save mankind from religious fundamentalists.

RAT said...

hmmm ... I know I posted an answer, yet it's not here.... says it's deleted.... what makes you think I'm a libertarian... I never said I was libertarian...

RAT said...

Jihadists? Hell, I'mn more worried about the Christian jihadists than I am a bunch of camel jockeys. Sure, the Islamic kind can do a lot of damage to the physical infrastructure of this nation, and take a lot of lives. But they won't change this nation or it's people on the kind of level it would take to capitulate to their religious beliefs.... It just won't happen. The culture and belief system is too foreign to the American mindset.
But the Christian jihadists are a different matter. Those dumbass hillbillies could precipitate significant change in the culture if they get their teeth deeply enough into the government.
And we've already seen the kind of damage they can do as a voting block. Hell, they got Reagan elected twice.... which goes to show how ignorant they are.
But don't misunderstand me and think that I hate all republican ideas. I don't. But I do hate the Republican administration and what it's doing to the fredoms and civil liberties we have traditionally enjoyed in this country.
Frankly, I 'm not real happy with the democrats either, because those elected officials have stood by in cowardly silence while the goddamn fascists have taken away our constitutionally guaranteed rights under the guise of defending America from those who would take our liberties from us.

RAT said...

A racist bigot... no. I hate everyone with equal fervor.

Am I anti-religion?.... It depends on how you define religion. If you define it as a bunch uptight people professing to have personal contact with God and then telling us unholy people how we should live our lives, then yes, I'm anti-religion.

Hate republicans... not if you mean individuals, no. If you mean the party and the administration; yes, but I've already told you that.

Do I hate camel riding fundamentalist wholesale slaughtering half-bright terrorists. Yup.
But like I said, I hate anyone who would deprive me of my right to live in peace, without having one kind of church-nazi or another tell me how I'm going to live.... so, guilty on all counts... is there anything else you want to talk about - without screaming?

RAT said...

Booze?.... No. Hashish is much better.... no hangover. You should try some.... hell, try something. You seem a little over-wrought

RAT said...

52.... holy gawd, that's old!!! it's almost dead....what's it feel like to be 52?

RAT said...

throw you off? No. Why would I do that ?
You expressed an opinion.... ok, it was ill-informed and wrong, but it was on topic..... and what is a moderator's flag? like in football, where you take a 10 word loss and lose your turn to speak?

RAT said...

no.... for real. You're really 52?
I didn't even know old peop.... I mean, people your age could use the internet.... But you seem to be doing pretty good.... did you just learn?

RAT said...

Actually our ages are so close that the difference doesn't matter.

RAT said...

I said I prefer it to booze, not that I do it.... I haven't seen hash in at least 25 years.... and I've only been intoxicated once in the last 26 years..... I neither like being drunk nor do I like being around drunk people.

RAT said...

Mine too.... I might have gone 1200 for black afghani finger (it was a really long time ago) but 2 grand for a brick of blonde? Hell no..... I quit doing that stuff when the price of an ounce of commercial colombian went over $400 a pound and everyone started strutting around strapped with hardware..... enough of that talk ... Jesus... next thing ya know. we'll both get midnight visits from masked federales ("Badges? We don't got to show you no steenking badges. We're Homeland Security !!) and we'll be off for an upclose look at an Afghani secret prison.

RAT said...

My buzz, now, is politics, government and public policy. That's the game here, not reliving the past but crafting the future. Wanna contribute, maybe catch the buzz?

RAT said...


RAT said...

I have to say the virture and loser do NOT sound alike.....but hey, this is still kind of like America.

RAT said...

Strickly speaking, Symmy, I too support the war on terrorism. But I do not support the war on Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and Hussein did not have anythinbg to do with Al Qeada. DIctators generally do not support popular-front militants.... it's counter-productive to maintaining an iron-fisted grip on his subjects. So don't make the mistake of equating the war on terrorism with the war on Iraq.

RAT said...

Oh Symmy, religious militant fundamentalists of every stripe are threat to public safety.... maybe you don't remember the abortion clinic bombings or the assasination of doctors or the bombing of the Olympics in Atlanta... all done in the name of God. I know your memory can't be that short, can it? Well, maybe you remember Pat Robertson getting on TV and suggesting that U.S. government assasinnate Hugo Chavez some months ago. And let's be clear that Pat wasn't talking to the government so much as he was talking to his followers. He was telling them, in effect, that if one of them whacked Chavez, it would be with God's blessing because the USA exists under His grace.

RAT said...

And again, Symmy, you need to quit listening to that crap about world domination that the whitehouse is putting out and start reading the the news stories, not only in this country, but in Europe and the Middle East as well. There is more than just the perspective of the American government here. As one of the combatants, anything the the government says HAS to be viewed with skepicism and validated though independant sources.

RAT said...

You're not listening Symmy:
Please re-read my comment. What I said was: "As one of the combatants, anything the the government says HAS to be viewed with skepicism and validated though independant sources."