Saturday, September 30, 2006


This is for Dick--no pun intended..... Can you tell me why there is such opposition on the right to gay marriage.... Okay, I admit the whole concept is a little bizarre, but so what? I mean, how does the fact that two same-sex people want to be married affect my marriage to my wife? That's the argument, from what I've been able to gather..... that allowing people of the same sex to marry will destroy the institution of marriage. How so?


RAT said...

so, the response is "because?"

Didn't we hear that argument when women demanded the right to vote? And didn't we hear a similar argument in the early days of the civil rights movement?
I gotta tell you, that's not a good enough reason to deny a group a right that is afforded to everyone else.... Can anyone else out there offer up more substancial reasons?
I mean, I don't yet have a firm opinion, but if the reason is because it it's a little too weird for some people, that's just not good enough.

RAT said...

Dang Dick, I was hoping you had a more right-wing perspective on this. That said, you did touch on some points that resonnate with me; specifically, the bias tht i feel toward lesbians and against gays men and the creepy skin-crawly thing about flamers. At the same time, I've been around long enough to realize that we all probably know someone who is gay, but we just don't know they're gay because they're not flamers.... and ultimately, as long as it doesn't affect me why should I care?
And so that brings us back full circle to the orignal question.

RAT said...

Dick, could we be hupersons too... Jesus, don't get the PCers started, whatever you do. lol

RAT said...

Actually, if you go back and look at those Wayne films, he always treated the indians with respect.

RAT said...

the same way blacks could become African americans.... it's just a linquistic form of segregation

RAT said...

I've been listening the Kinky Freidman and the Texas Jewboys for at least 25 years..... I love it.

RAT said...

Think Michael Jackson or Liberace

RAT said...

penis envy?

RAT said...

Sounds like a "hostile work environment" to me, especially if you're male.